
Archive for October, 2011

Murphy’s Weekend

Going in Friday our raid was 6/7 in Firelands.

After  a grueling weekend, we’re still 6/7. It was one of those weekends. Everything that can go wrong, did.

First sign of trouble was Log being out both nights, and Ado and Fahlala out Saturday. Missing a tank and two dps is never fun. But I figured we could get at least 6/7 Friday night.

Second sign: Thursday night my computer was showing signs of a virus. I started downloading antivirus tools and working.

Third sign: Slice let us know he’d be late. Hopefully not too late but we were looking at 9 manning at least the trash. Oh well, we could do that.

My computer got worse and worse but I hoped it had stabilized and had a backup plan before raid time. We got everyone but Slice in the raid and started clearing trash to Beth’tilac. My machine was flaky but I only dc’d once. Not too bad. We got to Beth’tilac and figured we’d invite Bocat rather than have an empty slot. We pulled – and I dc’d. Got back in. Healed things. Dc’d again. Logged in, was dead. Rev rezzed me. I stayed in this time until the boss was dead – and then dc’d again, so we called a break while I switched all my peripherals over to my laptop. Then realized that some of my addons were out of date. Just little ones like Vuhdo, DBM, and TidyPlates. Nothing big.

Somewhere around there Sorak lost power and now we were short a rogue. But hey! There’s Slice, finally.

Ok, the next few hours were a blur for me because my settings weren’t quite right and I felt like I was fighting my computer all night. We had afks that took forever. At some point Sorak got back online but was going to stay out and let Bocat and Slice be in – but then Slice’s computer exploded, so we put Sorak back in.

It took us 3 hours to get to Rags and I don’t believe we wiped on a single boss. It was just that much other stuff.

We managed a few tries. Didn’t really get anywhere. Well, we’d try again Saturday.

Saturday rolls around. I have all my replacement people in raid – but where’s the substitute tank? Oh. Crap. He got a job and can’t raid tonight.

Well, grats on the job and Grom, let’s see your tank gear. But that meant we needed another fillin. I asked everyone I knew, finally found someone – and Slice’s computer blew up again.

That was that. We weren’t downing Rags. We decided to go play in ICC and work on some achivements. A couple people dropped and we brought a couple in from guild and went off and had fun. I do like going back in there. We’ve got a couple achievements to get on normal, and need to kill the LK on heroic, for the next time we go in there, but as far as “ways to say we raided at raid time, while not just throwing ourselves into magma over and over”, it worked.

Sunday night Log returned and suggested we go try Rag if we could put our raid together. Well, Kerick was up for it of course, and Ado and Falahla would give it a try… Bocat was on, and a few guildies willing to help. At almost the last minute Kisara showed up so it wasn’t a bad group. We only had an hour and  a half, had one person who hadn’t seen the fight and two who hadn’t seen it with us, but hey.

We did some great pulls, two healing the whole time. I think we got some good practice in and I’m glad the raid isn’t getting rusty, but with some of our mains out the attempts just didn’t gell. So Rags is still standing.

And if people will just stop seeing that Molten Core Rag kill and congratulating us, I’ll be happy.


Oh, right. So on the theme of “Murphy’s Law”. I ran Brewfest this weekend on most of my alts. I want a kodo on Invariant. Saturday I queued up – and got a kodo. On  Analogue.

Sunday I ran everyone through again. This time:

That’s right. Now Analogue has TWO kodos, and Invariant doesn’t have any. Sigh.

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